Gluten Free Throughout the Year
A Two-Year, Month-to-Month Guide for Healthy Eating
2010; ISBN# 978-1-60910-180-0
by Melissa Diane Smith
Against the Grain Nutrition
170 pages
A companion guide to Going Against the Grain

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"Everyone on a gluten free diet or who eats food should read this book."

- Dr. Stephen Wangen, Author of Healthier Without Wheat
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AgainstThe Grain Nutrition

Praise for Gluten Free Throughout the Year

This is such an amazing book! It is just what the gluten-free community has been waiting for ... and urgently needs. Melissa gives us compelling evidence that we need a better gluten-free diet and then simply goes on to show us how to in masterful detail. It is a must-read for anyone adopting a gluten-free lifestyle. When you apply these insightful food strategies, you will indeed receive the "gift of gluten-free".

- Dr. Rodney Ford MD MB MS FRACP, Gastroenterologist, Pediatrician, Allergist, and Author of The Gluten Syndrome


Gluten Free Throughout the Year should be essential reading for anyone following a gluten-free diet. It’s also an exceptional resource for people who want to improve their health, feel better, look more radiant, and learn how to truly transform their lives by changing the foods they eat. With its fresh ideas, elegant and nutrient-dense recipes, and creative, easy-to-follow tips, this book is a standout among many nutrition books on the market.

- Nicole Brechka, Editor in Chief of Better Nutrition magazine


Melissa Diane Smith has again produced a superlative resource for those who live the gluten-free lifestyle and want to achieve or maintain optimal health. She has served up a 24-month banquet of insightful recommendations for avoiding common miscues in this lifestyle.

- Ron Hoggan, Ed. D., Author of Dangerous Grains, The Iron Edge, and Cereal Killers and editor of the Journal of Gluten Sensitivity


Being gluten free is only one aspect of optimizing your health. Having a healthy diet is a much broader subject. Melissa Diane Smith will help you to fully understand both concepts. Everyone on a gluten free diet or who eats food should read this book.

- Dr. Stephen Wangen, Author of Healthier Without Wheat and founder of both the Center for Food Allergies and the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment Center


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